Principle Investigator

Dr. Guangbin Li

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) in different forms (inorganic and organic) are two nutrients widely and massively present in wastewater. In 2015, the reported world population and estimated wastewater generation are 7.35 billion and 2.2 x 1012 m3, respectively. The common contributors to N and P in the influent of municipal WWTPs include human waste, food, and certain soaps and detergents, while wastewater from other sources, including animal waste, industry, agriculture, mining, and stormwater, can significantly increase the concentration level/amounts of N and P in either long or short time span. The remaining N and P in WWTPs effluent caused by improper operation or inefficient removal are discharged into waterways, which can result in eutrophication and odor problems, and cause negative impact on human health, environment, and economy. Therefore, efficient removal and recovery technologies including deammonification via anaerobic ammoninum oxidation (Anammox) are the topics we are interested in with the ultimate goal to achieve the sustainable energy-neutral/positive wastewater reclamation facilities (WRFs).
Nutrient Removal and Recovery

The presence of emerging organic contaminants (ECs) caused by human activities typically pose either chronic or acute threat to environment, public health and ecosystem. In our lab, we are interested in the detection, toxicity, transport mechanism, and (bio)degradability of these compounds and their daughter products and the results are expected to be used as reference for policy maker to make right decisions, and engineers to design the effective remediation/treatment plans.
Emerging Organic Contaminants